Digital Health
As we know, a one’s happiness doesn’t depend on who he/she is or what he/she has. It depends solely on what the person thinks about it.

The way the person relates to the surrounding reality is directly connected to the level of his or her psychological health.
Psychology online
Today, one out of five in the world suffers from depression, severe stress, emotional burnout, and other psycho-emotional problems, while in Russia only a few consider it necessary or simply have the opportunity to get professional help.
The idea to make such help more accessible was the key basis for the creation of an online mental health service Healthy lab
Healthy Lab
The idea to make such help more accessible was the key basis for the creation of an online mental health service Healthy lab

Healthy Lab
You can start communicating with the selected specialist within a few minutes after you decide that you need counseling
Exchange unlimited text messages with him or her via phone, online platform or mobile app without precisely scheduled sessions.
At the same time, communication via video services is also available.
To date, more than
5000 people have used the service
The customer got the opportunity to quickly find qualified help via his usual communication channel - a messenger, which provides a more meaningful, structured and open expression of his or her thoughts in a comfortable environment. It also eliminates the need to keep records. To monitor your progress, you just need to look at previous messages.

In 2018, it was a truly innovative product, the prospects of which were highlighted by a victory in the Karpov Venture Awards competition of startups.

To date, more than

5000 people have used the service

The customer got the opportunity to quickly find qualified help via his usual communication channel - a messenger, which provides a more meaningful, structured and open expression of his or her thoughts in a comfortable environment. It also eliminates the need to keep records. To monitor your progress, you just need to look at previous messages.

In 2018, it was a truly innovative product, the prospects of which were highlighted by a victory in the Karpov Venture Awards competition of startups.

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a push for the active development of the b2b business direction - the DigitalHealth platform.
With its help, companies are able to maintain the psychological and emotional health of their employees: DigitalHealth cognitive-behavioral therapy specialists regularly test the level of stress, emotional burnout and fatigue and organize chats, audio and video communication to help people overcome all negative conditions.

Successful experience inspired the creators of the service to expand the range of cooperation, including cooperation with international companies.
This year we plan to prepare the project for entering the European market.
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